Events at the Virtual Salmonid Restoration Conference

Gather Film Screening
In lieu of our annual membership dinner and film screening fundraiser, this film will be available for on-demand screening during the entire week of the conference, April 19-25, 2021.
Please select the film screening option on your registration form to receive your unique link to view the film.
Wednesday, April 21, 2021

SRF Annual Membership Meeting
SRF's Annual Membership meeting will take place during the evening of the first day.
Thursday, April 22, 2021

Virtual Poster Session
This annual event is open to all conference attendees and is a great venue to network with your peers.

Plenary Session
The exciting annual Plenary Session showcases the state of salmonid recovery in California and features distinguished keynote speakers including legislators, renowned academics, watershed visionaries, and scientists at the forefront of the restoration movement in California.

Virtual Book Signing with Drew Harvell
Please join author Drew Harvell immediately following the Plenary session for a Virtual Booksigning event.
Friday, April 23, 2021

Gather Film Panel Discussion
After concurrent sessions end on Friday, April 23, join SRF and Director Sanjay Rawal for a discussion of the film. This event is open to all conference participants.