News & Announcements

Annual Conferences
For over thirty years, we have produced the annual Salmonid Restoration Conference in different regions of California. The four-day conference highlights regional and topical issues that affect salmonids and their diverse habitats through field tours, technical workshops, panel discussions, and a plenary session on the state of salmonid recovery in California.

Water Conservation
Salmonid Restoration Federation is conducting a feasibility study of transferring a voluntary water conservation program from the Mattole River headwaters in Southern Humboldt County to the Redwood Creek watershed on the South Fork Eel River. The Redwood Creek Water Conservation Project is actively engaging rural landowners and stakeholders in a coordinated, community-led water conservation effort.

Join Us
We rely on the support and engagement of thousands of restoration practitioners, watershed scientists, fisheries biologists, resource agency professionals, land-use planners, and citizens to successfully conduct our work. Members of Salmonid Restoration Federation participate in events and discussions that have local, regional, and statewide implications for salmonid recovery.