Salmonid Restoration Federation

Restoration Funding Opportunities

CA Dept of Fish and Wildlife, Office of Spill Protection and Response's Environmental Enhancement Fund: These awards support environmental enhancement projects located within or immediately adjacent to waters of the state. An enhancement project is a project that acquires habitat for preservation, or improves habitat quality and ecosystem function above baseline conditions. 

CA Department of Fish and Wildlife, Fisheries Restoration Grants Program: FRGP has an annual solicitation starting in January with the final grant due in April. The overall goal of FRGP is to recover and conserve salmon and steelhead trout populations through restoration activities that reestablish natural ecosystem functions, to ensure the survival and protection of the species in California.

California Fish Passage Forum: The Forum receives funding through the National Fish Habitat Partnership via the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to advance shared goals of protecting, restoring, and enhancing fish habitat – with the Forum’s specific focus on anadromous fish populations in California.

California State Water Resources Control Board: These programs include loan and grant funding for water related projects.

Cannabis Restoration Grant Program: Cleanup, Remediation, and Watershed Enhancement; and Qualified Cultivator Funding Opportunities.

Coastal Conservancy: Each year, the Coastal Conservancy issues millions of dollars in grants for projects that restore and protect the California coast, expand public access to it, and enhance its resilience to climate change.

Coastal Stories: The Coastal Conservancy announces its Request for Proposals for “Coastal Stories,” a grant program that intends to make the outdoors more inclusive and welcoming for all Californians by fostering representation of Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) and other historically excluded groups in outdoor spaces – through storytelling.

Environmental Ehancement and Mitigation Program - awards up to $6.7 million each fiscal year for grants to mitigate the environmental impacts of modified or new public transportation facilities.

Instream Flow Water Purchase Program - The California Department of Water Resources, in coordination with the California Natural Resources Agency. Funding of projects that measurably enhance streamflow at a time and location necessary to provide fisheries or ecosystem benefits or that improve upon existing flow conditions. Focus shall be on funding the acquisition of instream flows in the Sacramento-San Joaquin watershed provided January through June, with priority for flows provided in dry and critically dry water year types.

Land and Water Conservation Fund: The Land and Water Conservation Fund provides funding to preserve and develop outdoor recreation resources, including parks, trails, and wildlife lands.

Liberated Paths Grantmaking Program: Justice Oustide is working to create a more just and sustainable outdoor and environmental movement by shifting resources to and building power with Black, Indigenous, and Communities of Color. The Liberated Paths Program supports outdoor initiatives and organizations that cultivate and celebrate the contributions of Black, Indigenous, and Communities of Color and affirm the many experiences and identities our communities hold, through grantmaking, capacity building, and network building.

Klamath Basin Restoration Program: The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation in cooperation with the Bureau of Reclamation and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). This RFP is intended to solicit conservation projects to restore salmon habitat in the Klamath River mainstem and key tributaries through four grantmaking programs: the Klamath River Coho Restoration Grant Program (Klamath River Program), the Trinity River Restoration Program (Trinity River Program), the Shasta Valley Regional Conservation Partnership Program (Shasta Valley Program), and NRCS Drought Resilience Technical Assistance. 

National Coastal Resilience Fund - NFWF will award grants to create and/or restore natural systems in order to increase protection for communities from coastal hazards, such as storms, sea- and lake-level changes, inundation, and coastal erosion, while improving habitats for fish and wildlife species. NFWF prioritizes projects that are community led or incorporate direct community engagement and benefit underserved communities facing disproportionate harm from climate impacts. 

NOAA: There are many national and regional grants that you can search for. 

North Coast Resource Partnership (NCRP): often has frequent solicitations for projects. 

Pacific Lamprey Conservation Initiative: Uses Regional Management Units to identify Regional Implementation Plans (RIPs). These RIPs summarize the status and threats to Pacific Lamprey and identify projects needed to address threats to and/or information needs for Pacific Lamprey and their habitats.

Rose Foundation: Rose Foundation administers numerous environmental grants funds, including two separate grassroots-oriented funds in California; watershed-oriented funds in California, Washington, and Oregon; and place-based funds which generally operate on a county-specific level, as well as other specialized funds.

The Pacific Marine and Estuarine Fish Habitat Partnership (PMEP): projects that restore, enhance, or protect estuarine and nearshore marine fish habitat conservation and restoration along the West Coast. 

USFWS Fish Passage Funding: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has funding for fish passage projects across the nation that address outdated, unsafe or obsolete dams, culverts, levees and other barriers fragmenting our nation’s rivers and streams.

Wildlife Conservation Board: WCB's three main functions are land acquisition, habitat restoration and development of wildlife oriented public access facilities, which are carried out through its programs. WCB uses a single continuous grant application process. 

2024 Coastal Resilience Competition: The National Sea Grant Law Center is accepting applications from eligible applicants to conduct research on the effectiveness of laws and policies related to a wide range of coastal resilience issues.

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