Salmonid Restoration Federation


CAL Process Based Restoration Network (Cal-PBR)

Beaver observations at iNaturalist 

CDFW Beaver Information

Bring Back the Beaver Campaign, Occidental Arts & Ecology Center WATER Institute

The Historical Range of Beaver in Coastal California

Beaver Restoration Assessment Tool (BRAT)

Assembly Bill 2196. 2023. Assemblymember Damon Connolly.


Beaver In California: Creating a Culture of Stewardship, Occidental Arts & Ecology Center, 2020

Low-Tech Process-Based Restoration of Riverscapes, Utah State University Restoration Consortium, 2019

The Beaver Restoration Guidebook: Working with Beaver to Restore Streams, Wetlands, and Floodplains, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, 2018

Scientific Articles

Aguirre, Ignacio, Glynnis A. Hood, Cherie J. Westbrook. 2024. Short-term dynamics of beaver dam flow states. Science of The Total Environment. Volume 919.

Corline, N.J., P. Vasquez-Housley, E. Yokel, C. Gilmore, B. Stapleton, R. A. Lusardi, 2023. When Humans Work Like Beavers: Riparian Restoration Enhances Invertebrate Gamma Diversity and Habitat Heterogeneity. Restoration Ecology.
*Abstract only. No freely accessible online full-text version.

Spryra, Aneta; Anna Cieplok, and Mariola Krodkiewska. 2023. Beavers ecosystem altering: Influence of beaver dams on aquatic invertebrates in newly created beavers ponds and small mountain river. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology.

Jordan, C. E., E. Fairfax, 2022. Beaver: The North American Freshwater Climate Action Plan. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water.

Fairfax, Emily and Andrew Whittle. 2020. Smokey the Beaver: beaver-dammed riparian corridors stay green during wildfire throughout the western United States. Ecological Applications.

Scamardo, J., and E. Wohl. 2020. Sediment storage and shallow groundwater response to beaver dam analogues in the Colorado Front Range, USA. River Research and Applications, 36 (3): 398–409.

Yarnell, Sarah, Karen Pope, Evan Wolf, Ryan Burnett, and Kristen Wilson. 2020. A Demonstration of the Carbon Sequestration and Biodiversity Benefits of Beaver and Beaver Dam Analogue Restoration Techniques in Childs Meadow, Tehama County, California. Center for Watershed Sciences.

Campos, Brent, Helen L. Loffland, Ryan D. Burnett. 2019. Relationships between Willow Flycatcher and Beaver-Modified Stream Reaches in Sierra Nevada Montane Meadows. The Nature Conservancy.

Silverman, Nicholas, Brady Allred, John Donnelly, Teresa Chapman, Jeremy Maestas, Joseph Wheaton, Jeff White, David Naugle. 2019. Low-tech riparian and wet meadow restoration increases vegetation productivity and resilience across semiarid rangelands. Restoration Ecology.

Wathen, G., J.E. Allgeier, N. Bouwes, M. Pollock, D.E. Schindler, and C.E. Jordan, 2018. Beaver Activity Increases Habitat Complexity and Spatial Partitioning by Steelhead Trout. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. doi: 10.1139/cjfas-2018-0171.

*Abstract only. No freely accessible online full-text version.

Bouwes, N., N. Weber, C.E. Jordan, W.C. Saunders, I.A. Tattam, C. Volk, J.M. Wheaton, and M.M. Pollock, 2016. Ecosystem Experiment Reveals Benefits of Natural and Simulated Beaver Dams to a Threatened Population of Steelhead (Oncorhynchus Mykiss). Scientific Reports 6:28581. doi: 10.1038/srep28581.

Parish, M. and J. Garwood, 2015. Distribution of Juvenile Salmonids and Seasonally Available Aquatic Habitats within the Lower Smith River Basin and Estuary, Del Norte County, California. 

Lanman, C.W., K. Lundquist, H. Perryman, J.E. Asarian, B. Dolman, R.B. Lanman, and M.M. Pollock. 2013. The Historical Range of Beaver (Castor Canadensis) in Coastal California: An Updated Review of the Evidence. California Fish and Game 99:193–221.

Michael Pollock, George R. Pess, Timothy J. Beechie and David R. Montgomery, 2004. The Importance of Beaver Ponds to Coho Salmon Production in the Stillaguamish River Basin, Washington, USA (North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 2004). 

Presentations at SRF Events

Beaver and Process-Based Restoration: Opportunities and Obstacles Morning Session at the 41st Annual Salmonid Restoration Conference Santa Rosa, California, March 26-29, 2024

Beaver and Process-Based Restoration: Opportunities and Obstacles Afternoon Session at the 41st Annual Salmonid Restoration Conference Santa Rosa, California, March 26-29, 2024