7th Annual Spring-run Chinook Watershed Symposium
Salmonid Restoration Federation hosted the 7th Annual Spring-run Chinook Symposium at Wine and Roses in Lodi, CA July 22-23. The first day of the symposium included presentations and panel discussions about the status of Spring-run Chinook recovery actions in different regions including: the Klamath, Butte Creek, San Joaquin, the Yuba river, and Mill Creek; reintroducing Spring-run Chinook in the San Joaquin River and its tributaries; managing for multiple species in the Central Valley; and restoration efforts in the San Joaquin watershed and surrounding tributaries. The context of the symposium was the San Joaquin-Bay Delta and flow regimes that would benefit salmonids.
This symposium featured a poster session and reception on Monday night. Tuesday included two concurrent field tours to the Merced River Ranch to see floodplain restoration and gravel augmentation projects as well as other restoration sites downstream. Cramer Fish Sciences led a Stanislaus River tour to visit floodplain reclamation and side-channel projects on the Lower Stanislaus River where participants learned about a decade of population monitoring studies for both juvenile and adult salmonids.