Thursday July 23
12:30 pm Opening Remarks
Salmon River Restoration Council
12:35 pm Keynote
Place-based management: An Indigenous/Western Science Perspective, Kari Norgaard, University of Oregon, and Ron Reed, Karuk Activist
1:30 pm Spring Chinook: Historical and Cultural Knowledge
Differentiation of Spring and Fall-run Chinook in the Klamath-Trinity Watershed From an Indigenous Perspective, Charley Reed, Humboldt State University
Spring Chinook Survey Trends for the Klamath Basin Downstream of Iron Gate Dam, John Hamilton
2:30 pm Break
2:45 pm Spring Chinook: Current Status and Trends
Climate-driven Increases in Salmon River Water Temperatures: Implications for Spring-run Chinook, Eli Asarian, Riverbend Sciences
Status of Recovery in a Spring Chinook Stronghold, Karuna Greenberg, Salmon River Restoration Council
3:45 pm Questions
Friday July 24
12:30 pm Welcome
12:35 pm The Future for Spring Chinook: Habitat Restoration
Large Wood in an Untamed River: Lessons Learned, Josh Smith, Watershed Research and Training Center
Efforts to Address Habitat Impairments from Legacy Placer Mining in the Middle Klamath, Jay Stallman, Stillwater Sciences
North Fork Salmon River Kelly Bar Off-Channel Habitat Restoration: Project Planning, Implementation and Monitoring, Rachel Shea, Mike Love & Associates
2:00 pm Break
2:15 pm The Future for Spring Chinook: Genetics and Reintroduction
The Origins of Ecotypic Variation in Chinook Salmon Inform Conservation and Reintroduction, John Carlos Garza, NOAA Fisheries
The Genetic and Evolutionary Basis of Spring Run-timing in Chinook: The Current State of the Science, Dr. Michael Miller, UC Davis
3:30 pm Questions and Farewells