In this eNewsletter you will find:
40th Annual Conference Registration Closed
2023 SRF Membership Meeting, Dinner, and Film Screening
2023 Conference Banquet & Silent Auction
2023 SRF Conference - Poster Session Open
SRF Erosion and Sediment Control Field School
25th Annual Coho Confab
2023 Conference Final Agenda Packet and Schedule
SRF Streamflow Assistant Position
SRF Conference FAQs
SRF New Mailing Address
Lamprey Information Useful for Stream Restoration Practitioners
Trout Unlimited Conservation Hydrology Intern
Creek Lands Seeks Restoration Project Manager
Restoration Job Board
Please Support SRF
40th Annual Conference Registration Closed
The main portion of the Salmonid Restoration Conference, Thursday, April 27 - Friday, April 28, has fully sold out but you may still register for select tours, workshops, the Membership Dinner, the Friday Evening Banquet, and renew your membership with this online registration form.
2023 SRF Membership Meeting, Dinner, and Film Screening
The Annual Membership Meeting and Dinner offers an opportunity to meet other members as well as the SRF Board of Directors and staff. The meeting will include an update on our accomplishments over the past year, as well as our plans and trajectory for the coming year.
This year's film screenings will be Restoring Balance by Resource Environmental Solutions and The Lost Salmon, both directed by Shane Anderson. Tickets for the dinner and film screening can be purchased online.
2023 Conference Banquet & Silent Auction
Friday, April 28, 2023
Friday, April 28, 2023
The SRF Banquet will feature wild salmon, an awards ceremony and cabaret, and a live band Canary and the Vamp. The banquet tends to sell out so please register in advance.
The banquet and the poster session will also include a silent auction with fine wines, outdoor gear, art, gift certificates and other fabulous items. Please email if you would like to contribute an item for the annual silent auction.
This event usually sells out so please purchase your ticket in advance of the conference using the registration form here or by using our online PayPal form.
2023 SRF Conference - Poster Session Open
The Poster Session will be 7-10 pm on Thursday, April 27 at the Fortuna River Lodge (the conference venue). This annual event is open to all conference attendees and is a great venue to network with your peers.
If you are registered for the conference and would like to present during the Poster Session, click here to pre-register by April 10. Please email SRF with any questions about the poster session.
SRF Erosion and Sediment Control Field School
June 6-7, Mendocino, CA
SRF is hosting an Erosion and Sediment Control Field School. This technical field course is part of our Northern California BMP Education Series funded by the CDFW’s Fisheries Restoration Grant Program. SRF is partnering with Pacific Watershed Associates to produce this educational event. Learn more and register here.
June 6-7, Mendocino, CA
SRF is hosting an Erosion and Sediment Control Field School. This technical field course is part of our Northern California BMP Education Series funded by the CDFW’s Fisheries Restoration Grant Program. SRF is partnering with Pacific Watershed Associates to produce this educational event. Learn more and register here.
25th Annual Coho Confab
Friday, August 25 - Sunday, August 27, 2023
Join SRF, Sanctuary Forest, Mattole Restoration Council, Mattole Salmon Group, and other partnering restoration groups for a destination Confab on the Mattole River in Petrolia, CA. This Confab will feature Mattole estuary and headwaters restoration projects, flow enhancement projects including Sanctuary Forest’s Baker Creek String of Pearls, large wood projects, grassland restoration, and a suite of other techniques that are implemented or are being planned in this critical watershed. Learn more and register here.
Join SRF, Sanctuary Forest, Mattole Restoration Council, Mattole Salmon Group, and other partnering restoration groups for a destination Confab on the Mattole River in Petrolia, CA. This Confab will feature Mattole estuary and headwaters restoration projects, flow enhancement projects including Sanctuary Forest’s Baker Creek String of Pearls, large wood projects, grassland restoration, and a suite of other techniques that are implemented or are being planned in this critical watershed. Learn more and register here.

2023 Conference Final Agenda Packet & Schedule
The 40th Annual Salmonid Restoration Conference will be held in Fortuna, California from April 25-28, 2023. The final workshop, field tour, and session descriptions and agendas are posted. Please click here to see the Conference Agenda Packet, conference schedule (individual pages), and conference schedule (printer spreads).
SRF Streamflow Assistant Position
Assist with pre- and post- monitoring of stream conditions in tributaries to the South Fork of the Eel River. Learn more here.
SRF Conference FAQs
Information about hotel group blocks, COVID-19 precautions, and other conference logistical info can be found here.
SRF New Mailing Address
The SRF's new mailing address is 1018 2nd St, Eureka, CA 95501. Please update your records.
Lamprey Information Useful for Stream Restoration Practitioners
The Pacific Lamprey Conservation Initiative recently published a Comparison of Pacific Lamprey and Pacific Salmon Life Histories, Habitat and Ecology. The Lamprey Technical Workgroup has additional useful papers found here.
Trout Unlimited Conservation Hydrology Intern
The Conservation Hydrology Intern is a field-based position, and the ideal candidate will love spending time outdoors collecting data. Learn more here.
Creek Lands Seeks Restoration Project Manager
Creek Lands Conservation (CLC) seeks an experienced, results-oriented watershed restoration project manager to join their watershed conservation science team in the role of Senior Watershed Restoration Project Manager Learn more here.
Restoration Job Board
SRF hosts a Job Board on our website to post current positions related to California's fisheries and watershed restoration field. Please email to post a job on our webpage.
Please Support SRF
Please join SRF or renew your membership today. Membership includes connection to a network of thousands of scientists and practitioners with an interest in California fisheries and watershed restoration.
Visit the SRF merchandise page to see SRF's full line of Ray Troll t-shirts, hoodies, and baseball caps. Below is the 2023 conference t-shirt that will be available at the conference.