Salmonid Restoration Federation
Drought, Fire, and Floods—Can Salmon and the Restoration Field Adapt?
April 23 - 26, 2019
Santa Rosa, California

Winter Habitat, Floodplains, and Fish Passage in Lagunitas Creek

24 April 2019
9:00am - 5:00pm

Tour Coordinators:
Greg Andrew, Marin Municipal Water District
Preston Brown, SPAWN
Erik Young, Trout Unlimited
Joanna Dixon, Marin County Public Works

This tour will visit four habitat enhancement projects implemented in Lagunitas Creek over the past three years. The enhancement work is designed to improve winter habitat through floodplain restoration in the mainstem of Lagunitas Creek and provide instream enhancement and fish passage in two important salmonid tributaries: Devil Gulch and San Geronimo Creek. Each of the four projects has been a collaboration and each has been spearheaded by a different stakeholder: the Marin Municipal Water District, Salmon Protection and Watershed Network, Trout Unlimited, and Marin County Public Works. All four projects have been grant-funded by the State and, in total, represent a $6.5million investment for the recovery of coho and steelhead in the Lagunitas Creek watershed.