Salmonid Restoration Federation
2020 Vision for California’s Salmonscape
March 31 - April 3, 2020
Santa Cruz, California

The Influence of Food Webs on Salmonid Growth and Performance: A Forgotten Link to Species Resilience

03 April 2020
Session Coordinator: 

Robert Lusardi, Center for Watershed Sciences, UC Davis

Efforts to conserve at-risk populations of anadromous Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) often focus on the restoration of physical habitat features (e.g., water temperature, pool frequency and depth, large wood abundance, etc.) associated with enhanced juvenile production in freshwater.  However, there is growing recognition that restoration and protection of suitable habitat must consider interactions between physical habitat features, ecosystem productivity, and fish performance.  Recently, numerous scientists have called for a broader understanding of how prey availability and food webs affect the growth, persistence, and survivorship of juvenile salmonids. We seek abstracts that examine the effects of food webs and aquatic habitat productivity on the growth of juvenile salmonids particularly in productive ecosystems or where food webs strongly interact with physical habitat attributes to influence growth.

Food Webs and Juvenile Steelhead Behavior in Coastal California – Towards a Foodscape Perspective
Gabriel Rossi, UC Berkeley
Abundant Prey Availability Improves Juvenile Coho Growth Under Warming Stream Temperatures
Robert Lusardi, UC Davis and California Trout
Puddle Power: Reactivating Floodplains and Reenergizing River Food Webs
Jacob Katz, California Trout
Managed Floodplain Fish Food: Bringing Dry-Side Food Webs to Wet-Side Fish
Jacob Montgomery, California Trout
Juvenile Chinook Salmon Growth Across a Diversity of Habitats in the Butte Creek and Sacramento River Watersheds
Flora Cordoleani, UCSC and NOAA Fisheries
Isotopes and Fish Eyes: New Tool to Track Population-level Benefits of Floodplains for Chinook Salmon
Miranda Bell Tilcock, UC Davis
Lollipops and Lemons: Large Differences in Chinook Salmon Growth among Tidal Marsh Sloughs of the Upper San Francisco Estuary, CA
Brett Harvey, Department of Water Resources
Export of Invertebrate Drift from Fishless Headwater Streams: Implications for Downstream Trout Production
Jonathan M. Hollis, MS, Humboldt State University