Salmonid Restoration Federation


The annual Salmonid Restoration Conference offers an unparalleled opportunity for professionals, academics, and scientists to present their research to a large audience of fisheries restoration enthusiasts.

For over thirty years, Salmonid Restoration Federation has hosted an annual Salmonid Restoration Conference in different regions of California. The four-day annual conference highlights regional and topical issues that affect salmonids and their diverse habitats through field tours, technical workshops, panel discussions, and a plenary session on the state of salmonid recovery in California.

Field tours include all-day visits to dynamic, state-of-the-art restoration sites. Concurrent sessions focus on biological, physical, and policy-specific issues that affect habitat restoration and recovery of native populations of wild anadromous fish. Our plenary session features distinguished keynote speakers including legislators, renowned academics, watershed visionaries, and scientists at the forefront of the restoration movement in California.

To find out how you can get involved as a presenter or a co-sponsor, contact us.