Salmonid Restoration Federation
Fisheries Restoration: Planning for Resilience
March 11 - 14, 2015
Santa Rosa, California

Dry Creek Field Tour: Partnerships in Habitat Enhancement and Monitoring for Salmonid Recovery

12 March 2015

Tour Coordinators: 
Neil Lassettre, Sonoma County Water Agency
Justin Smith, Sonoma County Water Agency

Tour Overview

This tour features salmonid habitat enhancement projects and monitoring programs in the Dry Creek basin.  These projects range from physical enhancement to create hydraulic refuge and escape cover, to hydrologic enhancement to ensure flow reliability. An effectiveness and validation monitoring program is being implemented through an adaptive management plan with collaboratively-developed physical performance metrics and validation monitoring aimed at documenting shifts in habitat use at the site-, reach-, and basin-scales. The tour visits multiple sites constructed on both private and public land through the collaboration of six public agencies, three NGOs, and multiple private landowners. Projects are located on tributaries to and the mainstem of Dry Creek and showcase physical enhancements including engineered log jams, off-channel and in-channel habitat enhancements, fish passage improvement projects, and hydrologic enhancements including off channel detention ponds and frost fans to restore stream flow.